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What is the interim occupancy, and occupancy fee.

Sunday Aug 25th, 2024


What is the interim occupancy, and occupancy fee. When it comes to buying new pre construction properties, things can get complicated and are quite often full of surprises, items which are often misunderstood are the interim occupancy period and the occupancy fees. What is the interim occupancy period? The interim occupancy period is when the buyer can move in and enjoy the property, the project hasn’t been fully completed, and the title hasn't been transferred. The occupancy... [read more]

Should I hire a buyer’s agent?

Sunday Aug 18th, 2024


Some buyers wonder if they should hire a buyer’s agent, or they should represent themselves. Below we will discuss different options, what to be aware of, pay attention to and what to avoid. First off it is important to mention that the buyers aren’t required to use an agent, they can represent themselves, in Ontario you as a buyer are required to use a lawyer to complete the transaction, but you are not required to use a realtor when buying the property. There are over... [read more]

Buy first or sell first

Wednesday Sep 15th, 2021


Many people during their lifetime move from one property to another and if you are an owner quite often buying and selling around the same time is a necessity. The questions arise about what to do first, buy or sell as well as what everyone should know when planning on buying and selling at the same time. There are many factors that will influence this decision. Market condition. Typically, in real estate the markets are classified as sellers, balanced and buyers market. Sellers... [read more]

Buyers Cash Back Explained

Thursday Aug 12th, 2021


You may have heard of realtors offering a cash back, in this short blog we will explain what it is, and how it works. What is a cash back? Cash back for buyers is an incentive offered by the real estate agents for their buyers. In a typical real estate transaction the sellers signs a contract with the listing agent, in the contract one of the items outlined is a commission, part of the commission is received by the listing agent (agent representing the seller), and part of the commission... [read more]

Why Are Condo Fees So High?

Sunday Dec 1st, 2019


Why Are Condo Fee So High? In this article we will look at why are condo fees so high. The amount to be paid for monthly condo fees can range anywhere from $200 for a studio unit in the brand new condominium building to many thousands of dollars for a large penthouse in older building with many amenities, in most cases the fees will be anywhere between $300 to $1,000 per month, sometimes they seem reasonable, in other cases quite excessive, they only go up, and we often ask ourselves... [read more]

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