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Condos Allowing Short Term Rentals

Tuesday Oct 27th, 2020


People who are interested in living in or investing in DT condos are often asking which building do, and which once don’t allow short term rentals. The truth is the majority of the condos don’t permit short term rentals and it is stated in their bylaws, of the buildings who are not allowing them there are some who enforce it strictly, and others that don’t. City of Toronto at the end of 2019 implemented new rules and regulations for short term rentals, there are certain... [read more]

Federal government cracking down on illegal short-term rentals.

Saturday Nov 25th, 2023


In 2023 Fall Economic Statement, among other changes the federal government is introducing the measures to crack down on illegal short-term rentals as well as financial assistance to the municipalities to help enforce the municipal short-term rental rules. We have compiled a list of rules and regulations for GTA by municipalities. The rules will be implemented on January 1, 2024. The federal government will be denying expense deductions on any short-term rentals where the... [read more]

First Home Savings Account (FHSA) – all you need to know.

Sunday Apr 2nd, 2023


First Home Savings Account (FHSA) was first announced in 2022 and is finally available as of April 1, 2023. In this article we will summarize the main aspects of this program and go into details further down, if you have a question that hasn’t been answered just drop us a line. As a general comment, the federal government has been recently introducing other programs such as The First-Time Home Buyer Incentive which flopped miserably and gained almost no traction, on the other hand... [read more]

GTA’s municipalities short-term rental rules and regulations.

Sunday Nov 26th, 2023


GTA’s municipalities short-term rental rules and regulations. Short term rentals have been a hot topic for few years, highly debated on all levels of governments given our housing crisis, with the recent introduction of the federal government crackdown on illegal short term rentals starting January 1, 2024, we thought it would be a good idea to put together a list of rules and regulations by municipalities in the GTA region. The enforcement of the rules has always been very... [read more]

Months of inventory (MOI) - what it means and why it’s an important statistic.

Sunday Oct 29th, 2023


Before we discuss the importance of this statistic let’s identify what it actually is, and how to calculate it. Definition. The months of inventory means the number of months it would take to sell the current homes inventory at the current rate of sales activity, it is a calculation that quantifies the relationship between the supply and demand in the current market conditions. How to calculate months of inventory. The months of inventory is calculated by the number of... [read more]

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