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Should I hire a buyer’s agent?

Sunday Aug 18th, 2024


Some buyers wonder if they should hire a buyer’s agent, or they should represent themselves. Below we will discuss different options, what to be aware of, pay attention to and what to avoid. First off it is important to mention that the buyers aren’t required to use an agent, they can represent themselves, in Ontario you as a buyer are required to use a lawyer to complete the transaction, but you are not required to use a realtor when buying the property. There are over... [read more]

Why Are Condo Fees So High?

Sunday Dec 1st, 2019


Why Are Condo Fee So High? In this article we will look at why are condo fees so high. The amount to be paid for monthly condo fees can range anywhere from $200 for a studio unit in the brand new condominium building to many thousands of dollars for a large penthouse in older building with many amenities, in most cases the fees will be anywhere between $300 to $1,000 per month, sometimes they seem reasonable, in other cases quite excessive, they only go up, and we often ask ourselves... [read more]

GTA’s municipalities short-term rental rules and regulations.

Sunday Nov 26th, 2023


GTA’s municipalities short-term rental rules and regulations. Short term rentals have been a hot topic for few years, highly debated on all levels of governments given our housing crisis, with the recent introduction of the federal government crackdown on illegal short term rentals starting January 1, 2024, we thought it would be a good idea to put together a list of rules and regulations by municipalities in the GTA region. The enforcement of the rules has always been very... [read more]

Builders may not be able to squeeze extra money from the buyers.

Monday Jul 24th, 2023


In recent years we have heard of many instances of builders demanding extra money from the purchases of pre-construction residential properties, in many cases the options were to pay thousands of dollars or to terminate the contract. This may not be that easy going forward, in the case of Dhaliwal v Midland homes the judge recently ruled that the builder must honour the original purchase price and is not entitled to any additional funds. In summary Dhaliwal’s purchased a... [read more]

Months of inventory (MOI) - what it means and why it’s an important statistic.

Sunday Oct 29th, 2023


Before we discuss the importance of this statistic let’s identify what it actually is, and how to calculate it. Definition. The months of inventory means the number of months it would take to sell the current homes inventory at the current rate of sales activity, it is a calculation that quantifies the relationship between the supply and demand in the current market conditions. How to calculate months of inventory. The months of inventory is calculated by the number of... [read more]

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