Credits and Government Incentives for the First Time Home Buyers

Tuesday Aug 14th, 2018


Hello first time home buyers. The process of buying the first home is a very exciting experience, but it can be tasking and overwhelming. In order to encourage home ownership and lessen the financial burden various levels of governments offer credits and incentives for first time home buyer, and they can add up to fairly significant amounts. I would like to explain to you the credits, their benefits, what they are and how to apply for them. There are many requirements and rules that need... [read more]

HST rebate on new construction – 1 year rule internet legend.

Sunday Nov 13th, 2022


Since in this blog we are discussing tax rules, I would strongly suggest you to get the advice from a qualified tax specialist. What prompted us to write a blog on the subject is frequent misinformation posted on various popular online forums stating that one must reside in the property for 1 year or more in order to qualify for the hst new construction rebate. Before we get to it let’s quickly recap what is the new construction hst rebate, and how it works in Ontario. A... [read more]

Status certificate inadequately disclosing financial information exempts the buyer from paying $34K special assessment.

Sunday Aug 13th, 2023


A buyer of a condominium was hit with a $34,000 special assessment shortly after purchasing a condominium and the judge ruled the buyer is exempt from paying his share because the possibly of the special assessment wasn’t properly disclosed in the status certificate.   The case of Adam Bruce v Waterloo North Condominium Corporation No. 26, they buyer Adam Bruce purchased a condominium in 2021. The buyer received the status certificate package including the status certificate... [read more]

Home Staging

Sunday May 26th, 2019


                        Staging may be one of the most important projects to prepare your home for sale. It does not require spending a lot of money – just making the right decisions. First impressions are important in any market but especially in the buyer’s market, that is why it is important that your home stands out from others and it is prepared the best way possible. Potential buyers when entering the... [read more]

November 15, 2018 Ontario Rent Control.

Friday Jan 14th, 2022


November 15, 2018 is a very important date since it determines if the unit falls under the rent control or not. We are often asked about it, and it is even more confusing for the owners and tenants in newer buildings. What does rent control refer to? It refers to how much the rent can be increased, for 2022 the rent can be increased 1.2% as per Municipal Affairs and Housing Guidelines. That means if your rental unit falls under the rent control and the rent charged was $1,000, for 2022... [read more]



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