Renting in the GTA

Tuesday Jan 21st, 2020


  Finding a rental property in today’s market of the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) can be challenging. The rental market is very HOT! Vacancy rates are at all time low (around 1%) meaning that landlords (property owners) have their pick of who they want to rent to (and for what price). The housing market affects the rental rates. The more landlords pay for the property, the higher their mortgage, the higher the rent. And as it becomes harder to buy a home, with low market... [read more]

Buying First Investment Property.

Thursday May 7th, 2020


Real estate around GTA has been a great investment for many decades, the prices have appreciated over time, if anyone was unlucky and purchased at the peak prior to a correction, given enough time they were able to recover and show significant gains, most people who invested in rental properties have accumulated significant wealth, in reality owning real estate in GTA equals wealth. Why GTA? Why invest in GTA? The answer is actually very simple: the populations is growing, it attracts... [read more]

November 15, 2018 Ontario Rent Control.

Friday Jan 14th, 2022


November 15, 2018 is a very important date since it determines if the unit falls under the rent control or not. We are often asked about it, and it is even more confusing for the owners and tenants in newer buildings. What does rent control refer to? It refers to how much the rent can be increased, for 2022 the rent can be increased 1.2% as per Municipal Affairs and Housing Guidelines. That means if your rental unit falls under the rent control and the rent charged was $1,000, for 2022... [read more]



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