RRSP HBP withdrawal limit increased from $35,000 to $60,000.

Saturday Dec 28th, 2024


RRSP HBP withdrawal limit increased from $35,000 to $60,000. As of April 16th, 2024, the qualified first time home buyers can withdraw up to $60,000 from their RRSP as part of the RRSP First Time Home Buyer Plan. The 2024 federal budget approved the increase from $35,000 to $60,000. Please click on the links above to learn more about the RRSP HBP and the increased limit, and let us know if you have any questions. [read more]

Sale of the residential properties used as short-term rentals are subject to GST/HST.

Friday Dec 27th, 2024


The short-term rental market became very popular over the last few years, and a hot topic. Since this is a complex tax issue, we will only suggest anyone who is thinking about selling, buying or changing the use of residential property to short term rentals to contact a qualified professional. In the meantime, below are links to comments written by qualified professionals on this subject. Pallett Valo LLP – Tax court of Canada holes that the sale of an Airbnb rental property is... [read more]

Buyers Cash Back Explained

Thursday Aug 12th, 2021


You may have heard of realtors offering a cash back, in this short blog we will explain what it is, and how it works. What is a cash back? Cash back for buyers is an incentive offered by the real estate agents for their buyers. In a typical real estate transaction the sellers signs a contract with the listing agent, in the contract one of the items outlined is a commission, part of the commission is received by the listing agent (agent representing the seller), and part of the commission... [read more]

101 of Preconstruction Condominium Buying

Sunday Oct 27th, 2019


You are thinking of buying a preconstruction condominium, you hear people talking about making a fortune by buying them and you want the piece of the pie. Facebook is full of advertisements for new launches and the graphics look spectacular, so you decide to wait for the next official opening to go in without an agent because you know what you want, right? In this blog I will try to explain as much as possible (and the topic is extensive) about the process and key factors when buying a... [read more]

Understanding The Reserve Fund & the Reserve Fund Study.

Friday Jan 1st, 2021


In our previous blogs we have explained step by step process of buying resale condominiums, and deeper into the most important document associated with the purchase, the status certificate, in this blog we would like to take it even further and explain one of the most important aspects of the status certificate, the reserve fund study, in more details. What is a reserve fund. In the nutshell the reserve fund are money put aside every month for future repairs and replacements, it is... [read more]



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